• where experts go to learn about FDA
  • ISRTP Workshop on GRAS Determinations

    The International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (“ISRTP”) will be holding a Workshop on GRAS Determinations from October 13-14, 2014 at the ASEA Conference Center in Washington, DC.  The workshop provides a forum for leading scientific experts to contribute to the ongoing debate prompted by the recent barrage of criticisms of GRAS determinations.  Speakers will examine the merits and possible limitations of the GRAS review process, and lead discussion of various means for enhancing the value of GRAS determinations in assuring the safety of our food supply.  FDA Law Blog readers can register for the workshop here.  A copy of the workshop agenda is available here

    ISRTP provides an open public forum for policy makers and scientists promoting sound toxicologic and pharmacologic science as a basis for regulation affecting human safety and health, and the environment.  The current ISRTP Council President is Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.’s Diane B. McColl.  [http://www.hpm.com/vattorney.cfm?RID=27]

    Flare Up: Takeda Challenges FDA Approval of 505(b)(2) Application for Colchicine Capsules

    By Kurt R. Karst –  

    Colchicine is one of those drugs that has a long and storied history at FDA.  It’s an old drug (about 200 years old) that was marketed for decades without FDA approval.  Then, in 2009, FDA approved Mutual Pharmaceutical Company, Inc.’s (and now Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.’s (“Takeda”)) 505(b)(2) application (NDA No. 022352) for COLCRYS (colchicine) Tablets, 0.6 mg, to prevent gout, treat gout flares, and treat Familial Mediterranean Fever (“FMF”) and granted periods of 3-year new clinical investigation exclusivity (related to the gout approvals) and a period of 7-year orphan druig exclusivity (related to FMF).  Soon after the NDA approval, there was litigation to stem the flow of unapproved colchicine (see our previous posts and here).  And about a year after NDA approval, FDA ordered companies marketing unapproved single-ingredient oral colchicine to remove their products from the market.  Companies that wanted to market generic or follow-on versions of single-ingredient oral colchicine then began to consider their options: submit an ANDA or a 505(b)(2) application.  And while those decisions were being made, the citizen petition process was initiated, with no less than two petitions: Docket Nos. FDA-2010-P-0614 and FDA-2012-P-1018.  Now the storied history of colchicine is about to get longer . . . .
    Earlier this week, Takeda filed a Complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging FDA’s September 26, 2014 approval (here and here) of a 505(b)(2) application (NDA No. 204820) submitted by Hikma Pharmaceuticals LLC (“Hikma”) and its U.S. partner West-Ward Pharmaceutical Corp. (“West-Ward”) for MITIGARE (colchicine) Capsules, 0.6 mg, for prophylaxis of gout flares.  Although there are several patents listed in the Orange Book for COLCRYS, this is the first opportunity Takeda has had to challenge MITIGARE.  Apparently Hikma was able to avoid identifying COLCRYS as a listed drug in its 505(b)(2) application by virtue of relying on information not containd in (or related to) the COLCRYS NDA approval, and therefore avoid certifying to Orange Book-listed patents for COLCRYS.

    Takeda alleges in its October 6, 2014 Complaint that FDA’s approval of MITIGARE violates the FDC Act and the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) in several respects:

    First, FDA acted arbitrarily and capriciously in approving Hikma’s Section 505(b)(2) application for Mitigare without requiring the label to contain critical safety information that FDA previously stated was necessary for single-ingredient oral colchicine products.  Second, FDA’s approval of Hikma’s application for Mitigare was unlawful, arbitrary and capricious because, as approved, Mitigare is not safe in light of the defects in its label.  And third, FDA’s failure to require Hikma to reference Takeda’s own colchicine drug, Colcrys®, in its application interfered with Takeda’s rights to participate in the administrative process, including the Paragraph IV certification process under the Hatch-Waxman Act and the Citizen Petition process. As a result, FDA’s decision is unlawful, arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and otherwise violates the Administrative Procedure Act (the “APA”).

    Takeda’s Complaint fills in some of the details of the allegations.  For example, Takeda, citing to one of the FDA petition responses concerning colchicine (i.e., FDA-2010-P-0614), says that “[e]ven though Mitigare is indicated only for prophylaxis, FDA has clearly stated that the labeling for a prophylaxis product must disclose the dosage for treatment of an acute gout flare due to the risk of cumulative toxicity,” but that the MITIGARE labeling omits that low-dose regimen information, as well as “specific dose adjustments to avoid potentially fatal drug-drug interaction.”  Having omitted this information, “Hikma was able to avoid referencing Colcrys® and certifying to the Colcrys® patents,” alleges Takeda.  Takeda also alleges that MITIGARE fails to meet the statutory standard required for FDA approval because the labeling omits certain safety information.  

    Takeda is seeking declaratory and injunctive relief.  Specifically, Takeda wants the court to declare that FDA’s approval of MITIGARE violated the APA and the FDC Act, that FDA’s refusal to require the MITIGARE 505(b)(2) application to reference COLCRYS as a listed drug violated the APA and the FDC Act, and that FDA’s actions, findings, and conclusions in approving MITIGARE were arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and without factual basis.  In addition, Takeda wants temporary, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief requiring FDA to rescind or stay FDA’s approval of MITIGARE.  A redacted version of Takeda’s  memorandum in support of the company’s Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction should be available soon, and will be included as an update to this post. 


    • A redacted version of Takeda's brief accompanying its Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction filed in the DC District Court was made available on October 8th.
    • A Telephone Conference is set for October 9th at 1:00 PM before Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson (DC District Court).
    • On October 3, 2014, Takeda filed a patent infringement lawsuit against West-Ward in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware: Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. v. West-Ward Pharmaceutical Corporation et al, Case No. 1:14-cv-01268-SLR.  A telephonic hearing on Takeda's Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction in that case was held on October 8th.
    • October 9, 2014: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson: Telephone Conference held on 10/9/2014 discussions re: Temporary Restraining Order. Government Brief due by 10/17/2014; Intervenor Brief, if any, shall be filed by 10/17/14; Responses due by 10/20/2014. Preliminary Injunction Hearing set for 10/21/2014 @ 2:30 PM in Courtroom 17 before Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Motion to Intervene GRANTED for reasons stated on the record."

    510(k) Means Substantial Equivalence…Unless Your Device Has Software

    By Jennifer D. Newberger

    In our previous posts (here and here) regarding FDA’s approach to cybersecurity in medical devices we noted that, while neither FDA nor industry was aware of any actual intentional, malevolent software breaches that led to patient harm, FDA seemed to be enforcing the draft guidance by refusing to accept at least one 510(k) submission that did not contain documentation demonstrating the cybersecurity of the device.  We also noted that FDA does not seem concerned with applying the substantial equivalence review standard, since it will now be requiring software devices to contain substantially more information than the predicate devices.  (Of course, it is not uncommon for FDA to require a new 510(k) to meet a standard to which the predicate was not held.)

    FDA has now finalized the guidance, and while some of the language has changed, the intent and ultimate impact on device manufacturers has not.  Regardless of what the predicate device had to show, moving forward, FDA will expect to see substantial documentation of a firm’s cybersecurity considerations, including a hazard analysis, list of all cybersecurity risks considered, list and justification for all cybersecurity controls established, and a “traceability matrix” linking the risks considered to the controls implemented.  The takeaway message is this:  be sure that you can adequately address any and all risks considered, no matter how remote, because they all must be provided to FDA and accounted for in the software design, even if they are not accounted for in the predicate.

    Fear not:  while substantial equivalence for software devices fades into distant memory, at least the guidance states that FDA will not typically need to review software changes made solely to strengthen cybersecurity.  So, go forth and strengthen cybersecurity—but be careful about making any other changes to the software; those may well require review.

    Categories: Medical Devices

    RICO Challenges to Drug Co-Pay Programs Fall Like Dominoes: Another Federal Court Judge Dismisses RICO Claim

    By Jamie K. Wolszon

    On September 25, 2014, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division dismissed a claim that a drug company co-pay subsidy program (also known as coupon program) violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) under theories of alleged mail and wire fraud.  New England Carpenters Health and Welfare Fund v. Abbott Laboratories, No. 12-cv-1662 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 25, 2014) (opinion), at 15.  This Illinois federal district court joins other federal courts in striking serious blows against use of RICO to attack coupon or co-pay programs:  It appears from our research that of seven lawsuits we previously reported were filed alleging RICO violations, no RICO claims currently are pending in any of those cases.

    This lawsuit is one of several filed by various union health plans alleging that brand-name drug-makers violated RICO when they provided co-pay subsidy coupons to privately-insured consumers for branded prescription drugs.  See prior posts here and here

    Those lawsuits have not been successful to date, and in fact, it appears that only tortious interference with contract claims currently are pending of the cases we have reported in our prior blog cases.  At the time of our last blog post, plaintiffs had already voluntarily dismissed some of those cases, leaving a handful remaining.

    In this particular case, New England Carpenters Health and Welfare Fund v. Abbott Laboratories, No. 12-cv-1662 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 25, 2014) (opinion), an employee welfare benefit plan alleged that the co-pay savings program, offered by Defendants Abbott Laboratories and AbbVie, Inc., for their brand-name drugs Humira and AndroGel, constituted substantive RICO violations and a conspiracy to violate RICO.  Id. at 2. 

    RICO makes it unlawful to conduct or participate in an enterprise’s affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity.  Since the savings program was carried out using the mail and Internet, plaintiff alleged mail fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1341) and wire fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1343).  Id. at 7.

    U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern District Judge Robert M. Dow, Jr., held that the required element of an “enterprise” was missing from the plaintiff’s RICO allegation in the amended complaint.  Id. at 10.  The court explained that the particular RICO section requires allegation of an enterprise “separate and distinct” from Defendants’ own business.  It is not enough for the Defendants to have a commercial relationship; the contested conduct must be “undertaken on behalf of the enterprise,” not simply on behalf of each of the Defendant’s individual interests.  Id. at 10. 

    Plaintiff, according to the court, did not meet that requirement.  Id. at 11.  “[T]here are not indicia of any association among the pharmacies [that accepted the coupons for those two drugs] that comprise the RICO enterprise are in communication with one another or are even aware that other pharmacies are part of the enterprise.”  Id.  By contrast, the court noted, plaintiff’s complaint suggests that pharmacists did not realize that they were erroneously inputting the coupon as secondary insurance, because the cards were designed to look like insurance cards.  Id. at 13.  “This allegation undercuts Plaintiff’s claim that pharmacies were privy to a fraudulent scheme to maximize Defendants’ drug sales.”  Id. 

    In addition to the RICO allegation, the Plaintiff also argued that the co-pay subsidies frustrate pharmacies’ contractual obligation to collect co-pays directly from Plaintiff (tortious interference with contract claim).  Id. at 2.  The federal Illinois district court will hold a hearing on October 7, 2014 to consider whether it has the requisite jurisdiction to evaluate the tortious interference with contract claim.  Id. at 2.  The court noted that it appears that the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to consider this tortious interference with contract claim now that the court dismissed the RICO claim.  Id. at 16.  However, since that time, both the plaintiff and the Defendants have notified the court that they believe the court has jurisdiction over the tortious interference with contract claim.      

    The Illinois opinion related to the RICO claim adds to a growing list of federal court blows against efforts to challenge co-pay subsidy programs based on a RICO theory.  On April 29, 2013, U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey Judge Michael A. Shipp granted without prejudice Merck’s motion to dismiss one of those lawsuits on standing grounds.  Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 572 Health & Welfare Fund v. Merck & Co., No. 12-cv-1379 (D.N.J. Apr. 29, 2013) (opinion).

    Plaintiff in that case amended the complaint, and Defendant Merck again moved to dismiss on standing and substantive grounds.  In June 2014, Judge Shipp held that the plaintiff had standing.  However, the court dismissed the RICO claims without prejudice on the grounds that: (1) plaintiff did not plead the alleged misrepresentation with sufficient particularity and (2) plaintiff allege an injury directly tied to the pharmacies’ failure to disclose the subsidies.  The court left intact the tortious interference with contract claims.  The court gave the plaintiff 30 days to amend the complaint in relation to the RICO claims, but the plaintiff did not do so.  In its August 14, 2014 answer to the complaint, Merck only addressed the tortious interference with contract claim because plaintiff had not amended the complaint in relation to RICO within the 30-day timeframe.

    In another case related to coupons, in June 2013, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York dismissed two of three theories of RICO violation with prejudice on the grounds that co-pay subsidy program did not cause misrepresentation at the point-of-sale, nor was there routine waiver of co-pays by the defendants.  Am. Fed‘n of State, Cnty. & Mun. Emps. Dist. Council 37 Health & Security Plan et al. v. Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co. et al., No. 12-cv-2238, (S.D.N.Y. June 3, 2013) (opinion).  In addition, the New York federal district court ruled that the savings program did not constitute commercial bribery under the Robinson-Patman Act (commercial bribery prohibition act).  On April 21, 2014, the plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the entire case.

    In a case with similar allegations in the U.S. District of Eastern District of Pennsylvania, on August 8, 2014, the court dismissed the plaintiff’s amended complaint for lack of standing.  New England Carpenters Health and Welfare Fund v. GlaxoSmithKline LLC., No. 12-cv-1191 (E.D. Pa. Aug. 8, 2014) (order).

    Thus, it appears that a RICO theory, at least at present, does not present a threat to these drug coupon programs.  However, as discussed, tortious interference to contract claims are currently pending and a threat may come from another source:  In September 2014, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report, a special advisory bulletin, and a podcast on the topic.  We previously reported that the OIG report concluded that despite efforts by the drug manufacturers sponsoring such coupons to carve out federal health care beneficiaries from such programs, some of the coupons were nonetheless used by Medicare Part D beneficiaries, and reimbursed by Medicare.  In the special advisory bulletin, the OIG places the responsibility for currently ensuring that copay coupons do not violate the antikickback statute squarely upon the shoulders of the drug companies that issue copay coupons.  Interestingly, a footnote in the special advisory bulletin states that pharmacies that accept coupons from Medicare beneficiaries may also face sanctions.

    What remains unknown is how and when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will take up the OIG’s call to lead the effort to make changes, and whether OIG enforcement actions may occur in this area, either before or after CMS takes action. 

    Supreme Court Declines to Hear Omnicare False Claims Act Case

    By Jennifer M. Thomas

    We wanted to briefly update our readers on a case we blogged about in February of this year, United States ex rel. Barry Rostholder v. Omnicare, Inc., 745 F.3d 694 (4th Cir. 2014).  To recap, in Omnicare the Fourth Circuit affirmed a lower court’s dismissal of the False Claims Act (“FCA”) for failure to state a claim – rejecting the relator’s theory that Omnicare had violated the FCA when it produced drugs in violation of FDA regulations.  On October 6th, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Rostholder’s petition for certiorari in the case (Case No. 13-1411). 

    Omnicare is a leading case among several in which qui tam plaintiffs have tried to shoehorn an alleged FDCA violation – such as an alleged cGMP violation – into a FCA case.  Many hoped that the Supreme Court would hear the Omnicare case to bring certainty to the question of whether that theory is viable.  Given the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear this case, we will need to await further lower court rulings to see if the Court will take the issue up in another case.

    Categories: Enforcement

    Setting the Record Straight on GRAS: Part 2

    By Ricardo Carvajal & Diane B. McColl

    In Part 1 of our effort to characterize the principal errors and mischaracterizations underpinning attacks on the GRAS exception, we focused on misrepresentations of the Food Additive Amendment’s legislative history and of the difficulties FDA allegedly faces in identifying and contesting the unlawful use of an ingredient in food.  In that context, we touched on the issue of conflict of interest (COI) in the conduct of GRAS determinations – an issue we take up in greater detail here.

    Concerns over COI were expressed in the 2010 GAO report recommending that FDA strengthen its oversight of the GRAS exception.  GAO noted that, although there is guidance to minimize COI among FDA staff and individuals who serve on scientific and advisory panels, there is no guidance on COI “that companies can use to help ensure that the members of their expert panels are independent in their determinations of GRAS status.”   As noted in the report, companies sometimes use expert panels to demonstrate consensus for a GRAS determination – a particularly useful course of action when there are no secondary sources that evaluate the primary literature, or when a published study warrants interpretative analysis. 

    GAO’s analysis of the potential for COI focused primarily on factors that could compromise an expert panel’s independence, such as “corporate or financial affiliations that could bias their decisions.”  GAO was concerned that, in such scenarios, an expert panel decision relied on by a company could be tainted by an expert panel member’s COI in much the same way as an advisory panel recommendation relied on by FDA could be tainted by an advisory panel member’s COI.  However, in drafting its recommendations, GAO used language that suggested the need to address the potential for COI more broadly: FDA should “develop a strategy to minimize the potential for conflicts of interest in companies’ GRAS determinations, including taking steps such as issuing guidance for companies on conflict of interest and requiring information in GRAS notices regarding expert panelists’ independence” (emphasis added).  Thus, GAO set the stage for consideration of at least two conceptions of COI.  The first conception is narrowly concerned with the potential for COI in expert panel decisions.  The second conception is more broadly concerned with the potential for COI in GRAS self-determinations generally.

    In its response to the GAO report, FDA focused primarily on the narrow conception of COI in relation to expert panel decisions.  FDA noted that the agency’s review of a GRAS notice containing an expert panel report encompasses “the totality of the publically available and corroborative evidence about the safety of the substance for its intended use, including favorable and potentially unfavorable information.”  FDA further noted that “the use of an expert panel is one way to demonstrate consensus,” and that the agency “does not consider the view of an expert panel alone to be determinative for establishing safety.”  FDA made clear that, if it finds deficiencies in the composition of an expert panel or in the panel’s consideration of the data and information, the agency takes those deficiencies into account in reviewing and responding to the GRAS notice. 

    However, FDA’s response also paid a nod to the broader conception of COI in GRAS self-determinations generally:

    FDA recognizes that, because the notifier has an inherent interest in the outcome of its GRAS notice, there is the potential for a conflict of interest (this is also true for food additive petitions).  To address this concern, GRAS determinations are required to consider the totality of the publically available information, including potentially unfavorable information.

    (Emphasis added.)  In other words, it is a given that a company interested in marketing a substance for a new use has an interest in establishing a regulatory basis for the use of the substance, but that interest is at play regardless of whether the company pursues a GRAS self-determination or a food additive approval.  That interest is kept in check by the regulatory requirement that the company consider all information that has a bearing on the safety of the proposed use.  Any company that fails to ensure the rigor and comprehensiveness of its GRAS determination or food additive petition does so at the risk of violating that requirement.  As we noted in our prior posting, the consequences could be severe, as the products in question could be deemed adulterated by virtue of being or containing an unapproved food additive.

    How FDA conceives of the potential for COI has significant implications for any steps the agency might take to address it.  FDA has indicated its intent to focus on the narrow conception of COI (CFSAN’s plan for program priorities states that the agency intends to “publish draft guidance on conflict of interest for experts participating on GRAS panels” in 2014).  If that holds true, then industry can expect the agency to propose criteria for the consideration of the potential for COI in establishing expert panels.  The impact of those criteria would need to be carefully thought out, as overly restrictive criteria could have the effect of limiting the use of those experts most qualified to opine on the safety of the use of a substance – a particularly perverse consequence given the statutory requirement that GRAS status be based on general recognition of safety by qualified experts.  This concern is of little consequence if one regards the pool of available qualified experts as large (PEW’s publication on COI blithely noted that “[t]here are multiple schools offering food science, toxicology and risk assessment degrees, and the Institute of Food Technologists has certified 1200 food scientists”).  In our experience, the pool of available qualified experts is quite small, such that any unnecessarily restrictive standards for evaluating COI could significantly hamper the conduct of GRAS self-determinations generally.

    Although even a narrowly targeted initiative on COI could have significant consequences, PEW (and now NRDC) are after much bigger game.  They have urged FDA to adopt a very broad conception of COI that sees the potential for COI in essentially all GRAS self-determinations, and that entirely discounts the value of post-market controls.  In doing so, they draw on a framework of questionable relevance, namely that set forth in the Institute of Medicine’s report on COI in medical research, education and practice (perhaps not coincidentally, COI in medicine is also of significant interest to PEW).  That framework was devised to address issues and concerns particular to the health care sector, in which life-or-death decisions are often made on the basis of data that often are not publicly available, and in which financial incentives that can skew decision-making are orders of magnitude greater than in the food sector.

    Not surprisingly, PEW/NRDC’s prescriptions belie an underlying preference for mandatory premarket review of all GRAS self-determinations – a preference at odds with the fact that NRDC has questioned the competence of FDA’s evaluation of GRAS notices and of food additive petitions.  In any event, as we’ve noted elsewhere, mandatory premarket review is both unattainable and unworkable in the absence not just of a statutory amendment, but of a funding mechanism as well.  Those are tall orders in the current fiscal and political environment.

    From our perspective, the controversy over COI in GRAS self-determinations is largely manufactured – designed to sow public confusion and anxiety in support of a broader attack on a regulatory program that has proven itself to be remarkably efficient and effective.  The next move is FDA’s, and we look forward to seeing how the agency addresses the COI issue in its forthcoming guidance. 

    Mostly Cloudy with a Little Bit of Sunshine—Accuracy of CMS’s Release of “Sunshine” Data Questioned

    By Jennifer D. Newberger

    On September 30, 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) released for public review the first round of Open Payments (more commonly known as “Sunshine”) data.  According to CMS, the Sunshine data is intended to “help consumers understand the financial relationships between the health care industry, and physicians and teaching hospitals.”

    Unfortunately, this initial release has been marred by numerous problems pertaining to data accuracy and the lack of information about the potential benefits that can arise from relationships between the drug and device industry and physicians.

    Due to a short window for physicians to review and request correction of their data (45 days), combined with—surprise!—continuing website shutdowns, a complicated registration process, and missing data, many physicians were unable to confirm the accuracy of the data reportedly associated with their practice.  The American Medical Association (“AMA”) stated that “[o]nly 26,000 physicians out of the nearly 550,000 physicians affected by the Sunshine Act were able to register to review their data and seek correction of any inaccuracies.” 

    CMS acknowledges problems with data accuracy, stating, “During the review and dispute period, CMS identified payment records that had inconsistent physician information, such as National Provider Identifier (“NPI”) for one doctor and a license number for another.”  CMS’s fix was to de-identify 40% of the published data, calling into question how these data will help achieve the above-mentioned goal.

    In addition to issues with data accuracy, both physician and industry trade groups requested that CMS provide context on the Sunshine website about the payments.  In a letter to CMS, PhRMA, AdvaMed, and BIO stated that “providing context for reported payments and other transfers of value is critical to ensuring patients do not form mistaken impressions that all payments to physicians are suspect.”  CMS apparently rejected this suggestion.  The Deputy Administrator and Director of the Center for Program Integrity at CMS stated: “Open Payments does not identify which financial relationships are beneficial and which could cause conflicts of interest.  It simply makes the data available to the public.  So while these data could discourage payments and other transfers of value that might have an inappropriate influence on research, education, and clinical decision-making, they could also help identify relationships that lead to the development of beneficial new technologies.”

    CMS seems to overestimate the ability of the public to determine, based solely on the information provided on the website, into which category certain payments fall.  For example, members of the public are not likely to know that research payments are reported as a single payment to the primary investigator.  This could appear to be a large, multi-million dollar payment to one physician, and, without context, someone viewing the data would not understand that the payment reported is intended to cover any number of years worth of research and a variety of costs associated with the research.

    Facts matter.  Context matters.  And accuracy matters.  Unfortunately, the data published by CMS, intended to shed light and provide transparency, do not adequately account for any of these factors.  No doubt people will review the data and reach their own conclusions about the meaning.  What will CMS do if it learns these conclusions are wrong?  Based on its actions thus far, the answer is most likely to be nothing.

    Categories: Health Care

    FDA Finalizes Custom Device Guidance Document

    By Jennifer D. Newberger

    On September 24, 2014, FDA finalized its guidance document, “Custom Device Exemption,” which explains FDA’s interpretation of the new custom device requirements implemented as part of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act ("FDASIA").  We previously posted on the FDASIA requirements and FDA’s draft guidance on this topic here and here

    We will not repeat here the requirements to meet the custom device exemption, but will again note how limited this exemption will be.  FDA expresses this view in the guidance by stating that, under the revised FDASIA provision, “as under the original custom device exemption, custom devices should represent a narrow category for which, due to the rarity of a patient’s medical condition or physician’s special need, compliance with premarket review requirements and performance standards under section 514 and 515 of the FD&C Act is impractical.”  Guidance, at 2.

    For the most part, the draft and final guidances are largely similar.  A few exceptions are as follows:

    • The final guidance includes a question asking whether, if a patient needs to undergo revision surgery to replace a component of her implant that is no longer being manufactured, the component is a custom device.  The guidance states that the component would only be a custom device “if it is designed to treat a unique pathology or physiological condition that no other device is domestically available to treat and meets all the other requirements of section 520(b).  That the component is no longer being manufactured does not make the component a custom device.  However, under these circumstances, a compassionate use request to allow the component to be manufactured and implanted could be submitted to FDA.”  Guidance at 7.  It is not clear why a manufacturer would need to seek a compassionate use request from FDA to replace a component that was previously manufactured and, presumably, was itself cleared or approved or was part of a cleared or approved medical device.  So long as the clearance or approval covering the component is still valid (e.g., has not been withdrawn), the manufacturer should not need to seek permission from FDA to manufacture the component.
    • As noted in our prior blog post, the draft guidance did not provide any examples of potential “physician-centric” custom devices; all the examples were patient-centric.  In the final guidance, FDA states that in the comments received about the draft, it did not receive any examples describing a potential physician-centric custom device.  The final guidance states:  “Assuming all other aspects of the custom device exemption in the FD&C Act are met, a potential example of a physician-centric medical device could be one for a surgical instrument requiring premarket review that needs to be modified to accommodate a deformity of a surgeon’s hand.”  Guidance, at 9.
    • The draft guidance modifies the advice regarding submission of electronic copies of the annual report.  The draft guidance stated that one or both copies could be submitted electronically to customdevices@fda.hhs.gov.  The final guidance, however, states that at least one of the two required copies must be a hard copy, and encourages that the second copy be an eCopy provided on a CD, DVD, or flash drive.  Both the hard copy and eCopy will need to be sent to a physical address; the final guidance does not include the email address provided in the draft as a submission method.  The final guidance also states that the submission of the eCopy should be done in accordance with the guidance document, “eCopy Program for Medical Device Submissions.”  Being required to submit one hard copy and follow the eCopy guidance is more burdensome to submitters than being able to submit two electronic copies via email.

    The final guidance, like the draft, does a good job of explaining how FDA will interpret the custom device exemption.  And the final guidance, like the draft, indicates FDA’s intent to restrict use of the custom device exemption as much as possible.

    Categories: Medical Devices

    FDA Issues Draft LDT Guidance Documents; Provides 120-Day Comment Period and will Host October Public Meeting

    By Jamie K. Wolszon, Allyson B. Mullen & Jeffrey N. Gibbs

    Following the July 31, 2014 notification to Congress (see prior post here), FDA wasted no time before formally issuing the draft laboratory-developed test (LDT) Guidance Documents.  On October 3, 2014, just four days after the statutorily imposed 60-day notification period to Congress ended, FDA will formally publish notice of the draft “Framework for Regulatory Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs)” (the Framework Guidance) and “FDA Notification and Medical Device Reporting for Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs)” (the Notification Guidance) in the Federal Register seeking public comment. 

    A lot has happened since FDA’s notification to Congress in late July.  For instance, on Tuesday September 9, 2014, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on the documents provided as part of the notification to Congress.  At the hearing, which lasted for hours, several members of the subcommittee grilled FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) Director Jeff Shuren at length.  The critical questions from representatives focused on the following areas: FDA’s decision to issue the framework using guidance instead of notice-and-comment rulemaking, bypassing, among other requirements, a regulatory flexibility analysis and economic impact analysis; questions about FDA’s statutory authority to regulate LDTs as medical devices; FDA’s lack of informal outreach to lawmakers prior to officially notifying Congress of the framework; the source of FDA resources for the increased regulation; FDA’s basis for believing that there are flawed LDTs on the market; duplication between FDA regulation and CLIA; tax implications of the framework; obstacles to innovation; and inconsistencies between the current registration and listing regulations and FDA’s proposed framework. 

    Also at the congressional hearing, Alan Mertz, President of the American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA), criticized the proposed framework as announced in the notification to Congress.  ACLA issued a press release on September 30, 2014, responding to FDA’s formal issuance of the draft guidances.  In the press release, the association cited its concern that “unnecessary and duplicative regulation could delay patient access to life saving treatments and compromise America’s leadership in diagnostic discovery.”  On the other hand, Andrew Fish, Executive Director of AdvaMed Dx, testified at the hearing in favor of FDA regulation of LDTs. 

    Just one day after the congressional hearing, on September 10, 2014, Alberto Guiterrez, Director of the Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health at CDRH, presented FDA’s proposed framework to a webinar hosted by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry.  Dr. Gutierrez asserted that the current LDT regulatory model presented “significant adverse health consequences” and led to “unnecessary healthcare costs.”

    Despite the flurry of activity since FDA notified Congress, substantively, the Framework Guidance is unchanged from what was provided to Congress on July 31, with two exceptions: (1) the definition of a companion diagnostic has been revised for consistency with the final guidance document, “In Vitro Companion Diagnostic Devices;” and (2) the “Traditional LDT” factor regarding use of only legally marketed components has been clarified to require only use of components (including instruments) that are legally marketed for clinical use.  In the Federal Register notice, among other comments, FDA specifically requests public comment on the following topics in the Framework Guidance:

    • Whether the healthcare system criterion in the Traditional LDT and LDT for Unmet needs can be omitted.
    • Standard for determining if an LDT is for a Rare Disease (e.g., use of the HUD standard or an alternative standard.)
    • Quality System Regulation phase-in timeline.
    • Notification – whether a single notification from a healthcare system is sufficient if the test is being run in multiple labs and whether some LDTs should not require registration and listing.

    The draft Notification Guidance is substantively the same as the version that was provided to Congress in late July.  Interestingly, we noticed that FDA may have significantly underestimated the number of laboratories affected by the draft guidances.  In the Federal Register notice for the draft Notification Guidance, FDA estimates that “approximately 650 manufacturers [of LDTs will] provide notification regarding approximately 17 LDTs each.”  Based on our experience, we expect that closer to approximately 2,000 laboratories will be affected by these guidance documents, although how many will choose to notify FDA is anyone’s guess.

    FDA intends to hold a public webinar on October 23, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. regarding the draft guidance documents, and FDA will answer questions.  The meeting has been announced on FDA’s website and pre-registration is not required.  Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which administers most of CLIA, announced that they will be holding a public workshop on November 4-5, 2014 to discuss the proposed framework in Atlanta, Georgia (and will also be available via webcast).

    Recognizing that the public will require significant time to prepare and submit comments on these important draft guidance documents, FDA has allotted a 120-day review period for the draft LDT guidances.  The comment period for the proposed LDT guidances will end on January 30, 2015.  This time frame is longer than the typical 60-day comment period for a draft guidance document.

    We fully expect that FDA will have its hands full reviewing (and possibly addressing) all of the comments to these two draft guidance documents.  We also expect FDA to receive a diverse set of views and opinions on this highly controversial topic.

    Categories: Medical Devices

    Ninth Circuit Rules Alameda County’s Drug Take-Back and Disposal Ordinance is Not Unconstitutional

    By Kurt R. Karst –      

    In a September 30, 2014 decision, a unanimous panel of judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed an August 2013 decision from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California finding that a first-in-the-nation Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance passed by the Alameda County, California Board of Supervisors in July 2012 is not unconstitutional.  The Court succinctly (and with a little snark) captures its decision in a concluding paragraph:

    The parties agree that the Alameda County Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance constitutes a “first-in-the-nation” ordinance.  Opinions vary widely as to whether adoption of the Ordinance was a good idea.  We leave that debate to other institutions and the public at large.  We needed only to review the Ordinance and determine whether it violates the dormant Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.  We did; it does not.

    The case was kicked off in December 2012 when the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (“PhRMA”), the Biotechnology Industry Organization (“BIO”), and the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (“GPhA”) challenged the county ordinance as a per se violation of the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.  As we previously reported (here and here), the Alameda Ordinance, like other manufacturer take-back ordinances and laws, places the primary responsibility for end-of-life management of certain products on the manufacturers of the products.  Specifically, the Alameda Ordinance requires “producers” of “covered drugs” to operate take-back programs after submitting a plan to the county’s Department of Environmental Health.  Such operation includes the creation, administration, promotion, and payment of the program (including the payment of Alamada County’s costs to administer and enforce the Ordinance).  Unless otherwise excused, every producer’s take-back program – which may be run by an individual producer or funded by a group of covered producers under a “product stewardship organization” – must accept and dispose of all covered drugs received, no matter who manufactured the drugs.  (As an aside, we note that the Drug Enforcement Administration recently published a final rule implementing the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 that expands the options available to patients to dispose of controlled substances – see our post here.)

    PhRMA, BIO, and GPhA argued that the Alameda Ordinance is a per se violation of the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and, in particular, the dormant Commerce Clause, under which state and local governments may not enact regulations that unduly interfere with interstate commerce.  Using the U.S. Supreme Court’s two-tiered approach to analyze whether a state or local economic regulation violates the dormant Commerce Clause, see Healy v. Beer Institute, 491 U.S. 324 (1989); Brown–Forman Distillers Corp. v. New York State Liquor Auth., 476 U.S. 573 (1986), the California District Court dispensed with the case in an 11-page ruling.  The Ninth Circuit followed a similar analysis in its 17-page decision. 

    The first tier asks whether the Ordinance “either discriminates against or directly regulates interstate commerce.”  It does neither, said the Ninth Circuit.  As an initial matter, the Ordinance is not discriminiatory:

    The Ordinance, both on its face and in effect, applies to all manufacturers that make their drugs available in Alameda County—without respect to the geographic location of the manufacturer.  Even if one of the manufacturers represented by Plaintiffs were to close all of its production facilities, open a single production facility in Alameda County, and limit the sale of its products to intra-county commerce, the Ordinance would still apply to that manufacturer.  In other words, the Ordinance does not discriminate, because it “treat[s] all private companies exactly the same.” . . . 

    And pointing to certain stipulations between the parties, the Court said that those stipulations reveal that the Ordinance does not control conduct beyond the boundaries of Alameda County.  

    Under the second tier of a dormant Commerce Clause analysis, which requires a certain balancing test, see Pike v. Bruce Church, Inc., 397 U.S. 137 (1970), a court must ask whether the burden imposed on interstate commerce by, in this case, the Alameda Ordinance is significant vis-à-vis the putative local benefits.  It is not said the Court: “Plaintiffs provide no evidence that the Ordinance will interrupt, or even decrease, the ‘flow of goods’ into or out of Alameda. . . .  Without any evidence that the Ordinance will affect the interstate flow of goods, we cannot say that the Ordinance substantially burdens interstate commerce.”

    The challenge to Alameda’s Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance is not the only challenge to such a county law.  In December 2013, PhRMA, BIO, GPhA, and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association filed a Complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington challenging as unconstitutional a King County, Washington Board of Health regulation establishing an industry-funded stewardship program for the collection and disposal of unwanted household medicines from county residents (see opur previous post here).  That case was stayed pending resolution of the challenge to the Alameda Ordinance.  According to an agreement between the parties, the Ninth Circuit’s panel decision triggers a countdown to implementation of certain provisions of the King County regulation, which is known as the Secure Medicine Return Regulations.

    The Ninth Circuit’s decision could open the floodgates for other counties across the nation to create and implement their own take-back ordinances and regulations.  That could be costly for the drug industry.  Alameda County estimates that the annual total cost to each manufacturer for its take-back program is between $5,300 and $12,000.  If each of the 3,144 counties and county equivalents in the U.S. implements a similar program with a similar cost range, then that would mean each manufacturer would need to cough up between $16,663,200 to $37,728,000 each year.  Alternatively, Congress could create a national take-back law.  Back in 2011, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) introduced H.R. 2939, the Pharmaceutical Stewardship Act of 2011.  The bill didn’t go very far in the legislative process; however, the Ninth Circuit’s decision could reignite interest in such legislation. 

    “Wildcard Exclusivity” Returns: PCAST Recommends Consideration of a Tradable Voucher to Reward Successful Antibiotic Development

    By Kurt R. Karst –      

    As most folks know by now, earlier this month the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (“PCAST”) released a report to the President titled “Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria.”  The report is part of a broader initiative announced by The White House to address the growing challenges posed by antibiotic resistance that includes a National Strategy on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and a Presidential Executive Order.  Of particular interest to us are the various “push” and “pull” mechanisms the PCAST report considers to incentivize the development of antibiotics – and especially the “push” mechanism described in the report as “[t]radable vouchers to extend patent life or market exclusivity of another drug.”  This is longhand for “wildcard exclusivity.”  And although it is not a new concept, there seems to be a growing chorus of support for wildcard exclusivity that may mean it will gain traction among legislators and find its way into the FDC Act. 

    By way of background, traditional research and development incentives can be divided into two main types: “push” and “pull” methods.  “Push” incentives tend to focus on removing barriers to product development, and include tax credits and grants.  “Pull” incentives tend to focus on the promise of financial reward after a product has been developed, and include monetary prizes, intellectual property extensions, tradable vouchers, and non-patent marketing exclusivities. 

    The FDC Act is chock-full of “pull” incentives.  Indeed, several have been created in the past decade, including a 5-year marketing exclusivity add-on pursuant to the Generating Antibiotic Incentives Now Act (“GAIN Act”) (FDC Act § 505E) for a drug product designated by FDA as a Qualified Infectious Disease Product (see our previous post here), and tradable vouchers under the Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher (FDC Act § 529) and Tropical Disease Priority Review Voucher (FDC Act § 524) programs (see our previous posts here and here).  But existing incentives – and in particular GAIN Act exclusivity – are not enough when it comes to antibiotics, says PCAST:

    [T]he GAIN Act guarantees five years of additional market exclusivity for antibiotics that target qualified pathogens.  Unfortunately, the economic impact of this provision is rather limited – because the additional 5‐year period runs concurrently with the patent protection of the drug, the average extension to market exclusivity is only 2 to 3 years and the sales during this period have little net present value as they occur almost three decades after the innovator begins the research project which produces the new drug.  Although the GAIN Act was an appropriate step by Congress for various reasons (including its requirement that FDA provide guidance on pathogen‐focused development), Government and industry experts have stated in discussions with PCAST that the GAIN Act’s economic provisions have had no significant impact on pharmaceutical companies and only modest impact on small biotechnology firms.  It is too early to measure directly its impact on new antibiotic development.

    As such, the PCAST report identifies several “push” and “pull” mechanisms, including a tradable period of wildcard exclusivity, that it says could help stimulate and reward antibiotic development; though with the caveat that the various options “as well as others, should be carefully analyzed with respect to the magnitude of incentive needed to have a meaningful impact on drug development, total cost, relative economic efficiency, and political feasibility.”  According to the report:

    [One] approach would be to reward a successful developer of an important antibiotic with a ‘tradable voucher’  (sometimes called a ‘wildcard voucher’) that provides a short extension to the patent life (or market exclusivity period) of any drug.  The developer could sell the voucher to another company with a blockbuster drug whose patent is soon to expire.

    Such a voucher could be very valuable, providing a powerful incentive to potential innovators.  For a mature blockbuster drug with $4 billion in annual sales, a three-month extension would yield $1 billion in additional sales – corresponding to profits of $800 million, assuming margins on a mature drug of 80%.  Such an incentive might elicit considerable interest from the venture capital community in launching biotechnology companies focused on new antibiotic development. 

    There are several advantages to this approach, says PCAST, including that “[i]t would leave innovation decisions up to the free market,” “would not require direct appropriation from the Federal discretionary budget,” and that “[t]he overall cost of incentivizing antibiotic development would be spread across many different drugs, with the cost of any given three-month extension being limited.”  But as the PCAST report also notes, “[t]he key issue with this approach is that it would delay the transition of other drugs to generic status.”  Such delay could raise significant opposition from an array of stakeholders, including patients, public health advocates, generic drug manufacturers.  “Public health advocates, for example, may ask why patients taking a statin drug (or their insurers) should bear the financial burden of incentivizing antibiotic development.”  Moreover, “the total social cost of this approach is likely to be larger than some other solutions because antibiotic developers will require a fraction of the value of the tradable vouchers,” says PCAST. 

    The concept of wildcard exclusivity is not new.  It has cropped up from time to time over the years.  We’ve seen it discussed in reports and in the published literature generally, and specifically in the context of providing an incentive for antibiotic and cancer drug development (see here, here, here, and here).  It’s also a concept that Congress debated including in the law a decade ago in the context of bioterrorism countermeasure development (see here at pages 17-18).  That effort drew sharp criticism from the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (see here).  

    Congress may once again be poised to consider wildcard exclusivity.  Indeed, the topic was discussed on Capitol Hill just a day after the release of the PCAST report when the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing as part of the broader 21st Century Cures Initiative, titled “Examining Ways to Combat Antibiotic Resistance and Foster New Drug Development.”  A 21st Century Cures Initiative bill is expected to be dropped in January 2015 and may incorporate some of the “push” and “pull” incentives laid out in the PCAST report.  That bill could ultimately be wrapped into a broader FDA bill that reauthorizes and amends several of the user fee acts. 

    Court of Appeals Holds that FDA Does Not Have Inherent Authority to Reclassify Devices by Rescinding a 510(k) Clearance

    By Allyson B. Mullen

    As we previously posted, in June 2011, ReGen Biologics, Inc. (“ReGen”), which was subsequently acquired by Ivy Sports Medicine, LLC (“Ivy”), sued FDA based upon the theory that FDA lacked authority under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) to rescind a 510(k) substantial equivalence determination for the Menaflex product.  In April 2013, the District Court for the District of Columbia granted summary judgment to FDA, concluding that FDA had the inherent authority to rescind the 510(k) substantial equivalence determination because it was done within a reasonable period of time (see our earlier post here). 

    On September 26, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed, holding that because there is a statutory procedure for FDA to reclassify devices, FDA may not “short-circuit” this procedure by rescinding a 510(k) clearance to reclassify a device – in this case from Class II to Class III.  Ivy Sports Med., LLC, v. Burwell, No. 13-5139 (D.C. Cir. Sept. 26, 2014).  The Court of Appeals directed the District Court to vacate FDA’s decision (rescission of the 510(k)) and remand the matter to FDA for further proceedings. 

    The Court of Appeals generally analyzed the federal agency’s “inherent authority” to revisit a prior decision.  The Court of Appeals explained that an Agency’s “inherent reconsideration authority does not apply in cases where Congress has spoken.”  Id. at 10.  In this case, although phrased differently, the Court ruled that both FDA’s claimed inherent authority to rescind a 510(k) substantial equivalence determination and Section 513(e) of the FDCA (device reclassification) achieved the same end result – to reclassify the Menaflex product from Class II into Class III.  Thus, the Court of Appeals concluded that it would be unreasonable under the current “statutory scheme to infer that FDA retains inherent authority to short-circuit or end-run the carefully prescribed statutory reclassification process in order “to correct” a mistaken classification of a device into Class II which previously occurred through the 510(k) clearance process.  Id. at 12.

    The Court’s Opinion contains an extensive and interesting discussion about allegations that FDA’s prior decision had been tainted because of alleged improper outside and inside-FDA influences on that decision.

    FDA argued that even if the reclassification provision in the statute could displace its inherent authority, it would not apply in this case because there was an exception created in American Methyl Corp. v. EPA, 749 F.2d 826 (D.C. Cir. 1984), when there is fraud or misconduct shown in the administrative record.  The Court of Appeals disagreed that American Methyl created such an exception; however, even assuming such an exception had been created, the Court of Appeals determined that any misconduct in the case of the Menaflex 510(k) would not raise to the level necessary to reach the high bar that would have been set in what the court referred to as the “dicta” in American Methyl.  The Court of Appeals noted that:

    no senior leaders of FDA, executives of ReGen, or Members of Congress were disciplined for their involvement in the [Menaflex 510(k)] review process.  Yet if FDA actually rendered a decision tainted by misconduct – as opposed to simply reaching a mistaken decision or a decision it no longer agrees with – that misconduct must have been due to the legally or ethically wrongful actions of some person or persons.  FDA’s inability or unwillingness to identify those wrongdoers is an indication that, in fact, no American Methyl-level misconduct occurred, at least on the record before us. 

    Id. at 16.  Here, the Court of Appeals found that whatever inherent authority FDA may have in other situations does not allow the Agency to rescind a 510(k) substantial equivalence determination when it would result in the de facto reclassification of the previously 510(k)-cleared Class II device into Class III.

    Since this case was first filed in 2011, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (“FDASIA”) changed the statutory provisions for device reclassification.  Based on new information about a device, FDA may, on its own initiative or after petition by an interested person, reclassify the device and revoke any related regulation or requirement in effect under a PMA approval order.  Prior to FDASIA, FDA was required to issue a reclassification regulation in order to perform this reclassification.  Following FDASIA, FDA can accomplish the same thing by administrative order.  21 U.S.C. § 360c(e)(1)(A)(i).  Practically speaking, issuing an administrative order may be less burdensome for FDA than issuing a reclassification regulation because an administrative order does not necessarily have to undergo outside-FDA Executive Branch scrutiny prior to issuance as does an agency regulation. 

    This decision was met by a vigorous dissent from Circuit Judge Pollard.  She concluded that the FDC Act’s “text, structure, history, and purpose, in addition to past administrative practice, all show that the FDA permissibly read the statute not to displace its otherwise-undisputed implicit authority to correct erroneous substantial equivalence decisions.”  Dissenting  Op. at 2. 

    The two judges in the majority stated that their holding is very narrow and only relates to the rescission of a 510(k) substantial equivalence determination when it results in the de facto reclassification of a device.  It remains to be seen if this ruling would apply to FDA’s presumed inherent authority to rescind a 510(k) substantial equivalence determination so long as the device remained a class II device, and the 510(k) holder was merely required to submit a new 510(k) for the device.   Also, it remains to be seen if this decision will act as a check on other instances where FDA has asserted that it has the inherent authority to “correct” mistakes involving other product approval decisions and exclusivity matters.  We have seen a number of such decisions in the drug approval arena.

    FDA has other remedies besides simply issuing another decision.  It can seek rehearing from the same three judges that heard the case, seek rehearing en banc from the entire D.C. Circuit, and/or seek review from the U.S. Supreme Court.  The fact that there was a vigorous dissent in the case could suggest that FDA may take one or more of these steps.

    Categories: Medical Devices

    Bayer Case Highlights the Importance of Involving an Expert in Substantiation

    By Jennifer M. Thomas

    For the past few days, industry has reacted with anxiety to the government’s decision to pursue an order to show cause why Bayer, Corp. should not be held in contempt of that company’s 2007 consent decree with FTC due to its marketing of the Phillips Colon Health probiotic dietary supplement.  See Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Defendant Should Not Be Held in Contempt, No. 07-cv-00001, Docket No. 4 (D.N.J. Sept. 12, 2014).  Specifically, many commentators fear that the FTC is attempting to impose a drug-level substantiation requirement on claims for probiotic dietary supplement products.  See, e.g., here and here.

    The FTC’s standard for substantiation in the Bayer case, while not consistent with the more flexible standard articulated in FTC guidance, is not particularly novel in the context of FTC litigation.  We agree that is not appropriate for dietary supplements generally (although certainly not unprecedented).  But we would add that FTC’s asserted substantiation standard is just that – asserted.  And it has a key limitation that is inherent in the definition of “competent reliable scientific evidence”:  It is dependent on the opinion of FTC’s expert. 

    FTC’s motion for an order to show cause expressly relies on the opinion of Dr. Loren Laine, a gastroenterologist and professor at Yale University, both (1) for the substantiation requirements that should apply to Phillip’s Colon Health, and (2) to apply those substantiation requirements to the data and information provided by Bayer in support of its claims.  This reliance on an expert is seemingly unavoidable for FTC, where the order in question – as well as the body of FTC case law beyond this order – defines “competent and reliable scientific evidence” specifically based on the “expertise of professionals in the relevant area.”  (The Bayer 2007 order defines “competent and reliable scientific evidence” as “tests, analyses, research, studies, or other evidence based on the expertise of professionals in the relevant area, that has been conducted and evaluated in an objective manner by persons qualified to do so, using procedures generally accepted in the profession to yield accurate and reliable results.”)  But it provides an opportunity for companies to insure themselves against an FTC motion like the one faced by Bayer, as was made abundantly clear by FTC’s loss in the Garden of Life case, where the district court determined – and the 11th Circuit agreed – that a “battle of the experts” did not constitute  contempt.

    Accepting the lessons of Garden of Life and Bayer, the appropriate insurance for companies is a process for substantiation of claims that relies on the opinions of a qualified expert, at least for claims that are novel or otherwise high priority for FTC action.  Specifically, if a company engages a qualified expert to evaluate the scientific evidence for the company’s proposed advertising claims, then uses its claims in reliance on the expert’s opinion, that company can hardly be said to have acted in contempt of a court order.  And even when there is no existing consent decree, documented reliance on the opinions of a qualified expert puts the company in a much better position vis-à-vis FTC with regard to the “competent and reliable scientific evidence” standard as presently defined.

    Finally, we note that in addition to the opportunity for an ounce of prevention presented by FTC’s necessary reliance on experts for its substantiation standard, any opinion set forth by such an expert on a broadly-applicable standard (i.e. all studies on probiotics must be strain-specific because it is impossible to extrapolate between one strain and another) is vulnerable to challenge by another qualified expert, depending on the specifics of the case.  For example, the company’s expert may agree that, in general, it is difficult to extrapolate from the demonstrated efficacy of a one strain in humans to the efficacy of another strain, but for certain types of probiotics or with certain additional data, extrapolation is appropriate.  And a court may find the company’s expert’s views as convincing as those of the FTC’s expert(s).

    No doubt Bayer has engaged its own expert to rebut Dr. Laine’s opinion. We look forward to reading the company’s response to FTC’s motion, which is due October 3.

    Legislation Would End “Constructive Transfer” and Change CSA Definition of “Dispense” to Permit Pharmacy Delivery of Controlled Substances to Physicians for In-Office Administration

    By Karla L. Palmer

    Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced legislation late last week that would allow a pharmacist to dispense a controlled substance prescription for a patient and deliver the drug to a practitioner for administration in the doctor’s office.  S. 2825, titled “Ensuring Safe Access to Prescription Medication Act of 2014,” is designed to amend the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to treat as “dispensing” the “delivery of a controlled substance by a pharmacy to a practitioner, pursuant to a patient-specific prescription of the practitioner, under certain circumstances.” 

    This legislation may seem like nothing more than overly technical change concerning the CSA’s definition of “dispense,” but that's not the case.  For the last 44 years, since passage of the federal CSA, pharmacists have been limited to dispensing controlled substances only to the “ultimate user,” meaning the patient, a member of his or her household, or research subject pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 802(a)(10) (definition of “dispense”).  The “dispense” definition has proved troublesome for patients, pharmacists and physicians in those cases where controlled substances require in-office administration (e.g., treatment of chronic pain via intrathecal pump, use of testosterone pellets, etc.).  Under the present definition of “dispense,” a pharmacy’s dispensing to anyone other than the ultimate user patient or research subject is illegal.  Physicians, patients and pharmacists have grappled with the ultimate user requirement by creating work-arounds involving agency relationships (e.g., making the physician an agent of the patient, thus permitting dispensing to the doctor per that agency relationship), or creating the fiction of a “constructive transfer” of the controlled substance to the end user through the physician. 

    DEA’s position is that such interpretations violate 21 U.S.C. § 802(a)(10)’s definition of “dispense.”  Proponents of the definitional change, however, have long asserted that pharmacy dispensing to the end user, patient or research subject instead of the physician, for certain types of medicine, actually increases the risk of loss and diversion of controlled substances to the extent that time passed between dispensing to the ultimate user and administration of the substance in the doctor’s office.  Moreover, there are safety and efficacy concerns regarding how these medicines are stored and handled until ultimately administered by a practitioner.   

    Thus, the legislation would permit a pharmacist to deliver to a doctor’s office a controlled substance for administration under the following conditions:  (1) the delivery is pursuant to a patient specific prescription of the practitioner; and (2) the “practitioner has deemed that it is medically necessary, acting in the usual course of professional practice, for the controlled substance to be administered by the practitioner to the patient.’’

    In our view, this legislation is long overdue and will ensure appropriate care without increasing the potential for diversion.

    When a Patient Speaks

    By James E. Valentine* –

    Whether you call it “patient advocacy,” “patient engagement,” or maybe something a little fancier, in recent years incorporating the patient perspective has become a hot topic issue for FDA and drug developers alike.  As FDA stated in announcing its Patient Focused Drug Development initiative, this is because “patients who live with a disease have a direct stake in the outcome of FDA’s decisions and are in a unique position to contribute to the understanding of their disease” (78 Fed. Reg. 21,613 (April 11, 2013)).

    There has been much collaboration between FDA, industry, and patient groups to identify best practices for engaging patients and to conduct pilot programs that solicit patient input.  In the midst of all of these larger efforts, I wanted to share a recent experience that very simply demonstrates the value and impact of the patient voice.

    Earlier this year CDER was being asked for input by a sponsor seeking to enter phase 3 of development for a rare disease.  It is not uncommon in rare diseases for the FDA review staff to not have direct clinical experience with the disease or a nuanced scientific understanding of the disease.  To the sponsor and the expert consultants on this rare disease, the input from CDER seemed not quite tailored to the unique needs of the patients with this condition.  The patient community for this disease had already been meeting with the company to make sure that the company officials understood their disease and unmet medical need, but had not yet contacted anyone at FDA.  This situation presented a prime opportunity for these patient advocates to share their perspective on the critical aspects of their disease with FDA, and I suggested that they do so.  I did not tell the patient advocates what they should or should not tell FDA, but gave advice on how to navigate the Agency and answered questions they had about the FDA regulatory framework. 

    Just a few months later, when CDER next provided further guidance to this drug sponsor, the very first thing the FDA reviewers mentioned to the sponsor was that they had met with representatives from the patient community and that they now understood the disease.  The ensuing engagement between FDA and this sponsor was highly constructive and the conversations surrounding the planning of the phase 3 program allowed all parties to move forward on the same page. 

    This shows that FDA’s openness to and efforts to engage with patients are making a constructive difference in advancing innovation.  Patients are in a unique position in their understanding of their disease, and their contributions can and will make an impact promoting development and review and new medicines.

    *Not admitted to practice in Washington, D.C.

    Categories: Drug Development