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  • Prescription Drugs and Biologics

    • FDA to Modernize Drug Review Office Structure and ProcessesJune 5th, 2018

      On June 4, 2018, FDA posted a statement from CDER Director Janet Woodcock announcing a multi-pronged FDA initiative to modernize FDA’s drug review offices and processes.  The initiative will involve: Staffing increases Increasing the number of review offices from the current 5 to 9 and the review …

    • FDA’s Ninth Annual Report to Congress on 505(q) Citizen Petitions: New Numbers and a New ToneJune 1st, 2018

      More than 10 years after the enactment of FDC Act § 505(q), titled “Petitions and Civil Actions Regarding Approval of Certain Applications,” interest in citizen petitions remains high. Each year we see several analyses of the effects of citizen petitions on generic competition, as well as …

    • FDA’s Version of the Scarlet Letter?May 23rd, 2018

      FDA announced last week its newest initiative to address alleged “gaming” tactics that FDA believes are used to circumvent the delicate balance of innovation and competition set forth by Congress in the Hatch-Waxman Act.  As part of FDA’s Drug Competition Action Plan, FDA has published …

    • New Vermont Law Seeks to Allow Wholesale Importation of Drugs from CanadaMay 22nd, 2018

      On May 16, 2018, Vermont Governor Phil Scott signed Senate Bill 175, which allows for the wholesale importation of prescription drugs from Canada into Vermont.  The new law directs the Vermont Agency of Human Services (VAHS) to design a wholesale prescription drug importation program that …

    • Biosimilar Approval: Better, Stronger, FasterMay 21st, 2018

      We have the technology. It will definitely cost more than six million dollars, and there are questions about whether it will be better than it was before.  But Dr. Sarfaraz Niazi thinks he can rebuild the biosimilar approval process to make it more efficient. In an …

    • FDA Announces Proposal to Amend Product Jurisdiction Regulation – A Bit Better But Not Good EnoughMay 17th, 2018

      On May 15th, FDA published in the Federal Register a proposal to amend the product jurisdiction regulation (21 C.F.R. Part 3). This proposal seeks to update, clarify, and streamline the product classification and designation process.  However, the proposal fails to address some significant flaws in …

    • Pennsylvania Appeals Court Affirms Preemption of State Law Claims Based on Off-Label MarketingMay 16th, 2018

      Last week, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania struck a blow to Appellant Joseph Caltagirone’s wrongful death and survival claims against drug manufacturers Cephalon, Inc. and Teva Pharmaceuticals, USA, Inc. The Superior Court’s non-precedential decision relied on federal preemption principles to affirm the trial court’s dismissal …

    • FDA Plays Hardball With Two Stem Cell ClinicsMay 15th, 2018

      The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in two complaints (here and here) filed last week in federal court, is seeking permanent injunctions to prevent two stem cell clinics from marketing stem cell products without FDA approval. Specifically, a permanent injunction is being sought against US Stem …

    • FDA Publishes Long-Awaited Draft Guidance on Waivers, Exceptions, and Exemptions from the DSCSA (FDC Act Section 582)May 11th, 2018

      Notwithstanding a statutory deadline of two years after the enactment of the 2013 Drug Supply Chain Security Act (“DSCSA”), FDA has finally published a draft guidance document on waivers, exceptions, and exemptions (“WEE”) from certain requirements of FDCA Section 582.  Since late November 2013, the pharmaceutical …

    • Stop the Presses: FDA Publishes Policy for Granting Requests to Conduct Expedited Reviews of NDA and BLA CMC Prior Approval SupplementsMay 10th, 2018

      Late last month, CDER’s Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ) published a MAPP (Manual of Policies and Procedures #5310.3) outlining its policy for granting or denying expedited reviews of NDA and BLA Prior Approval Supplements (PAS) that involve chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) changes overseen by …

    • PEG 3350 Rx ANDA Holder Gets Things Moving in the D.C. CircuitMay 7th, 2018

      On April 27, 2018, Petitioners Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc. and Nexgen Pharma, Inc. filed a Petition for Review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The Petition seeks review of a final FDA order published in the Federal Register on …

    • The FTC Appeals Shire ViroPharma DismissalApril 19th, 2018

      Declaring its intent to stand on the original complaint in FTC v. Shire ViroPharma, the FTC has appealed the District Court for the District of Delaware’s decision to dismiss the Commission’s unfair competition case against Shire without prejudice.  We previously blogged about this case here, …

    • Does FDA Need Statutorily Imposed Incentives for Regulatory Compliance Matters?April 17th, 2018

      Last year, the President signed into law the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act (FDARA) to revise and extend the user fee programs for drugs, medical devices and biosimilar biological products. Section 902 of FDARA requires FDA to publicly report, annually, information related to inspections …

    • Fourth Circuit Finds Maryland Price Gouging Law UnconstitutionalApril 16th, 2018

      On Friday, April 13, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled that Maryland’s law prohibiting “price gouging” by generic pharmaceutical manufacturers (HB 631) is unconstitutional because it violates the dormant commerce clause by directly regulating transactions that occur outside of Maryland. …

    • Last Minute Dissolution Testing Requirement Avoids Forfeiture of 180-Day Exclusivity for Generic COREG CR Staggered StrengthsApril 13th, 2018

      As folks know by now, each month we pore over the latest Orange Book Cumulative Supplement in an effort to keep our popular 180-Day Exclusivity Tracker as current as possible, and to look for interesting precedents. One recent entry in particular caught our attention.  It …