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  • Prescription Drugs and Biologics

    • The FDA PDUFA VII Goals Letter (FY 2023-2027): A Review of Our Top 10 CommitmentsSeptember 21st, 2021

      Few FDA publications are as eagerly anticipated in the drug development world as the twice-a-decade PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures (hereinafter the “goals letter”). When FDA published the fiscal years (FY) 2023-2027 goals letter at the end of August, making known their commitments and …

    • Drug Pricing Reform Gathers Steam (Part 2)September 15th, 2021

      Drug pricing and payment reform is a three-legged stool drawing support from the Administration, the House, and the Senate.  Yesterday our post focused on the Administration’s priorities and initiatives, as described in HHS’s recent Comprehensive Plan for Addressing High Drug Prices.  Today we focus on …

    • Drug Pricing Reform Gathers Steam (Part 1): White House Drug Pricing Plan Offers Laundry List of Existing Democrat PrioritiesSeptember 14th, 2021

      Despite vigorous criticism of high drug prices from the public and politicians in both parties, drug companies have largely dodged bullets on drug pricing and payment reform.  In 2018, Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its Blueprint to Lower Drug Prices and …

    • Ding Dong is the Skinny Label (Effectively) Dead?September 7th, 2021

      Innovators rejoice while generic sponsors mourn: In the wake of the latest in GSK v. Teva decision, the skinny label may be dead. The “skinny label,” also known as a “carve-out” or a “section viii statement,” is a widely-used statutory provision adopted in the Hatch Waxman …

    • DOJ Re-Brands Guidance DocumentsAugust 30th, 2021

      Companies often use rebranding to reposition and refocus their business.  Sometimes they do it with great fanfare; sometimes it is done quietly and incrementally.  The federal government does its own version of rebranding with each change in administration.  Just before the July 4 holiday weekend, …

    • FIFA Cases Hold Lessons for FDA-Regulated Companies – Organizations can be Victims of Their Own Employees’ Criminal ConductAugust 26th, 2021

      It is a well-accepted fact that even well run ethical and compliant organizations can have serious problems.  The Sentencing Guidelines, the DOJ Manual, and the HHHS OIG–among others–all recognize that reality.  In its Compliance Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the HHS OIG notes: The OIG recognizes that …

    • PhRMA Code Revised in Response to OIG Special Fraud Alert on Speaker ProgramsAugust 24th, 2021

      On August 6, 2021, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) announced the release of a revised PhRMA Code on Interactions with Health Care Professionals, which takes effect on January 1, 2022.  The PhRMA Code is a voluntary code of conduct focusing on the …

    • The 6-Year Saga Finally Ends: FDA Issues Final Rule Modifying The Intended Use RegulationAugust 16th, 2021

      A determination of “intended use” is fundamental to FDA’s regulation of drugs and medical devices.  It is a primary basis for determining if an article is regulated by FDA at all, and if so, what regulatory requirements apply.  It is embodied in parallel drug and …

    • The Code is Cracked: Interchangeable Biologics are HereAugust 13th, 2021

      About two weeks ago, FDA made an exciting announcement (and it remains exciting even if we’re late posting about it): FDA approved the first interchangeable biosimilar.  On July 30, 2021, FDA approved Semglee (insulin glargine-yfgn), an insulin product that relies on Lantus (insulin glargine) as …

    • CMS proposes to Withdraw Trump Era Most Favored Nation (MFN) Drug Pricing RuleAugust 10th, 2021

      The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing to rescind a Trump era rule that would have established a “most favored nation” (MFN) model to base Medicare Part B drug payment on international prices.  The Trump Administration rule had a troubled history.  The …

    • FDA Announces It Will Now Regulate Devices as DevicesAugust 10th, 2021

      On the heels of Genus Medical Technologies’ successful lawsuit against FDA—Genus was represented by Hyman, Phelps & McNamara PC—in both the District Court of D.C. and the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, FDA published a Federal Register Notice today (August 9) soliciting comments …

    • Facebook “Pokes” Pharma Companies, Telehealth, and Online PharmaciesAugust 6th, 2021

      We are old enough to remember the “poke” function on Facebook, and too old to remember what purpose it served.  We are similarly at a loss to understand the purpose of Facebook’s new policy requiring that pharmaceutical manufacturers, telehealth companies, and online pharmacies apply for …

    • Infrastructure Bill Set to Delay Trump-era Rebate Rule to Raise CashAugust 4th, 2021

      On Monday August 2, 2021, the Senate took up for review H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, following House passage of its version last month. Although the bipartisan bill largely deals with the nation’s transportation infrastructure, Section 90006 delays the so-called “rebate rule,” …

    • ACI’s 37th Annual FDA Boot Camp (Virtual Conference)July 26th, 2021

      The American Conference Institute’s (“ACI’s”) popular “FDA Boot Camp” – now in its 37th iteration – is scheduled to take place from September 29-30, 2021 (Eastern Standard Time). The conference is billed as the premier event to provide folks with a roadmap to navigate the …

    • Maine and Nevada Update Drug Price Transparency LawsJuly 23rd, 2021

      Maine and Nevada previously enacted laws requiring drug manufacturers to report information about the pricing of their products. (See our coverage here and here). As summarized below, each state has recently updated their reporting requirements.  Both states’ new requirements will become effective in October 2021 …