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  • Medical Devices

    • And the Nominees Are…. FDA Law Blog’s Top 10 Device Posts of 2018February 11th, 2019

      The recent government shutdown gave us some time to reflect on 2018, a year that was full of device-related posts.  Inspired by the recent Academy Awards nominations, we are now listing our Top Ten Device Posts of 2018.  Some are blockbusters, and others indie stories, …

    • New Efforts to Expand Access to Laboratory Tests in MarylandFebruary 6th, 2019

      Readers who work with laboratory tests are likely aware that such tests can be subject to regulation by FDA, CMS, and individual states. A few state laws, particularly those in Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, currently constrain how some laboratory tests are …

    • Congress Floats Discussion Draft of IVD LegislationFebruary 5th, 2019

      Since FDA announced in late 2016 that it would not finalize its laboratory developed test (LDT) guidances, it has become clear that any change to the LDT regulatory framework (at least during this administration) would need to come through a statutory change.  The first such …

    • Key Insights from FDA’s Webinar on the Breakthrough Designation ProgramJanuary 31st, 2019

      FDA recently hosted a webinar on the final guidance regarding the Breakthrough Devices Program.  The Breakthrough Device Program is meant to speed access to new devices that treat or diagnose “life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions.”  See our previous post for a more in-depth …

    • Updates to FDA’s Software Pre-Certification ProgramJanuary 25th, 2019

      On January 7, 2019, FDA released new documents related to its Software Pre-Certification (Pre-Cert) Program: Developing a Software Precertification Program: A Working Model (Working Model) Software Precertification Program: Regulatory Framework for Conducting the Pilot Program within Current Authorities (Regulatory Framework) Software Precertification Program: 2019 Test Plan (Test Plan) In …

    • FDA Issues Final Rule on Medical Device Classification ProceduresJanuary 24th, 2019

      On December 17, 2018, FDA published a final rule, Medical Device Classification Procedures: Incorporating Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act Procedures, to amend its regulations governing classification and reclassification of medical devices to align with the relevant portions of the Federal Food, Drug, …

    • AdvaMed Updates Code of EthicsJanuary 17th, 2019

      On January 9, 2019, the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) announced updates to its “Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals” (Code).  The Code was last updated in 2008; the newest updates will become effective on January 1, 2020. The Code includes new sections …

    • Updated CLIA Waiver Guidances Lack Details in Original DraftJanuary 14th, 2019

      In the midst of the government shutdown and with its accompanying lull in new FDA documents, we thought it would be a good time to update our readers on some guidances that were issued late last year.  Two such notable draft guidances were the, “Select …

    • FDA Solicits Feedback on Grace Period Timing for GUDID SubmissionsJanuary 11th, 2019

      On December 18, 2018, FDA opened a docket for public comment regarding its intention to shorten the grace period for Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) submissions from thirty days to seven days.  The grace period starts when Device Identified (DI) information is first entered …

    • A Pair of FDC Act-Related Convictions Upheld on Appeal in the Eighth and Eleventh CircuitsJanuary 10th, 2019

      In two unrelated cases, two U.S. Courts of Appeal affirmed FDC Act-related convictions earlier this week.  In United States v. Patino, the Eighth Circuit held that it was not an abuse of discretion to allow the government to introduce, in connection with a 2016 prosecution …

    • HP&M Releases 2018 Litigation BriefingJanuary 9th, 2019

      Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. (“HP&M”) is pleased to present its annual report highlighting the leading cases and settlements from 2018 that affect the FDA- and DEA-regulated industries. Each page provides a concise summary of the relevant facts and key takeaways for our clients. We …

    • Does the 510(k) Program Need Predicate Modernization?January 8th, 2019

      The 510(k) program is based on substantial equivalence.  A 510(k) submitter wishing to market a new device must establish that it is as safe and effective as a legally marketed device that has already received clearance.  The baseline comparison device is known as a “predicate …

    • Congratulations to HPM’s Newest Director, Allyson MullenJanuary 7th, 2019

      Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. (HPM) is pleased to announce Allyson B. Mullen has become its newest Director.  Allyson joined HPM in June 2013.  Since that time, her years of service have made significant contributions to the firm and its clients. Prior to joining HPM, Allyson served …

    • Breakthrough Designation Guidance FinalizedJanuary 7th, 2019

      On December 18, 2018, FDA issued a final guidance document on the Breakthrough Devices Program created by the 21st Century Cures Act.  The Breakthrough Device Program is meant to speed access to new devices that treat or diagnose “life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions.”  …

    • FDA Formally Recognizes First Public Genetic Information DatabaseDecember 25th, 2018

      For the first time, FDA formally recognized a public database containing information about genes, genetic variants, and their relationship to disease.  FDA announced its formal recognition of the genetic variant information in Clinical Genomic Resource (ClinGen) consortium’s ClinGen Expert Curated Human Genetic Data, a database …