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  • Medical Devices

    • FDA Launches Digital Health Center of ExcellenceSeptember 25th, 2020

      On September 22, FDA announced the creation of a Digital Health Center of Excellence (DHCoE), which has grown out of their existing Digital Health Program.  The objectives of the DHCoE include connecting and building partnerships, sharing knowledge and innovating regulatory approaches related to digital health.  …

    • FDA Pre-Cert Program Update – Good Progress but Full Launch Not Yet in SightSeptember 18th, 2020

      FDA’s Software Pre-Certification (Pre-Cert) Program is intended to create a new streamlined regulatory process for software as a medical device (SaMD) (see our earlier blog posts on the program here, here, here, here, and here).  On September 14, 2020, FDA updated the Digital Health Software …

    • FDA Law Alert – September 2020September 10th, 2020

      During these unprecedented times, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. is pleased to bring you the next installment of our quarterly newsletter highlighting key postings from our nationally acclaimed FDA Law Blog.  Please subscribe to the FDA Law Blog to receive contemporaneous posts on regulatory and …

    • Regulation and Utilization of Digital Health in Clinical TrialsSeptember 9th, 2020

      Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. Director Jeff Shapiro will be moderating “Digital Health Session 1: Bonus Session – Regulation and Utilization of Digital Health in Clinical Trials” as part of the Food and Drug Law Institute’s Digital Health Conference on September 10.  Jeff’s panel will …

    • CDRH Issues Draft Guidance Regarding Patient Reported OutcomesSeptember 8th, 2020

      In recent years, FDA has sought to increase the patient perspective in its regulatory decision making.  One way this is accomplished is through use of patient‑reported outcome (PRO) measures in clinical studies.  PROs can assess concepts that are unobservable to clinicians and are only know …

    • In Support of the New HHS Policy Barring FDA from Premarket Review of LDTsAugust 31st, 2020

      On August 19, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that FDA shall no longer conduct premarket review of laboratory developed tests (LDTs) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and implementing regulations (FDCA).  The crux of the statement is this:  “the …

    • Mum’s the Word on Hearing AidsAugust 19th, 2020

      Earlier this week, FDA was supposed to issue proposed rules—years in the making—implementing over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid rules, as required by the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act (FDARA) (read HPM’s summary here).  Under FDARA, FDA is required to issue proposed rules three years from …

    • Is it Lawful to Advertise a Device with an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Pending (Prior to Issuance of the EUA)?June 28th, 2020

      In recent months, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a record number of Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) under Section 564 of the Federal, Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).  With a large number also pending, this review pathway is becoming almost common for …

    • Tuesdays (and Thursdays) With Regulations.gov BETAJune 11th, 2020

      Anyone who has recently (on Tuesdays and Thursdays at least) tried – and we mean tried – to wander on to www.regulations.gov to do a little FDA docket research has likely been redirected to a new URL: https://outage.regulations.gov/beta-redirect/.  And the first thing you see on …

    • FDA Law Alert – May 2020May 7th, 2020

      These are unsettling times as COVID-19 impacts our personal and professional lives, as well as those that we love.  During these unprecedented times, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. is pleased to bring you the next installment of the FDA Law Alert.  This is the fifth …

    • FDA’s Final Device Establishment Inspections Guidance Misses the MarkApril 23rd, 2020

      While it seems like all of FDA is consumed with responding to the current COVID-19 crisis, the agency is still managing to continue its work in other areas.  Earlier this week, FDA issued a final guidance, titled Nonbinding Feedback After Certain FDA Inspections of Device …

    • New FDA Policy Significantly Limits Serological TestingApril 13th, 2020

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is widespread agreement that one of the most important steps the government can take is to enable widespread testing of patients.  Many experts have cited the lack of access to a sufficient number of tests as a fundamental flaw in …

    • FDA Works Around the Clock, Provides More Detailed Guidance on the Conduct of Clinical Trials Amidst the COVID-19 PandemicApril 1st, 2020

      In the White House coronavirus updates, President Trump has commended FDA for working “around the clock” to expedite the review of new medical products to help with the testing and treatment of COVID-19.  This is not puffery, as we at HP&M have experienced lightning fast …

    • Amid Concerns of Shortage, FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Ventilators, Accessories and Other Respiratory DevicesMarch 31st, 2020

      You’ve seen the news about insufficient supply and availability of ventilators to treat patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).  You’ve also likely seen news of ideas to mitigate this shortage.  On March 24, 2020 FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) for ventilators, anesthesia gas …

    • What Device Manufacturers Need to Know at This Time about FDA’s Exercise of Emergency Authority in Response to COVID 19March 27th, 2020

      FDA is exercising significant emergency authorities during the COVID‑19 pandemic.  Not all of industry is affected, but those who are manufacturing or distributing (or using) devices being used to fight the pandemic can benefit by understanding FDA’s emergency‑related policies and practices.  These are evolving every …