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  • Cosmetics

    • A Bigger, Bolder FDAGAFebruary 8th, 2009

      By Ricardo Carvajal & Susan J. Matthees –       The FDA Globalization Act (“FDAGA”) of 2008 was “meant to stimulate discussion about how to provide adequate funding and authority for FDA to ensure safety” of products over which the agency has jurisdiction.  When we commented on …

    • FDLI Update Article Discusses State and Federal Enforcement Actions Against Cosmetics CompaniesSeptember 21st, 2008

      The latest FDLI Update “Enforcement Corner” article by Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. discusses the fact that government entities, including FDA, are taking enforcement actions against companies that market cosmetics and cosmetic-like products.  The article highlights recent enforcement actions in this area, and also notes …

    • FDA Globalization Act of 2008: Fees, Fees, and More FeesApril 18th, 2008

      Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce released a Discussion Draft of the "Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2008."  The “Discussion Draft is meant to stimulate discussion about how to provide adequate funding and authority for FDA to ensure …

    • Why FDA Currently Can’t Require “Nanotech” Labeling on CosmeticsApril 17th, 2008

      Recently, calls have been mounting for FDA to require manufacturers of cosmetics to highlight the presence in their products of what are variously referred to as “nanomaterials,” “nanoingredients,” and “nanoscale materials,” among other descriptors. The objective of this requirement would be to enable consumers to …