• where experts go to learn about FDA
  • Sara W. Koblitz

    • FDA and the FTC Won’t Get Fooled AgainOctober 24th, 2018

      Last week, the President signed into law a bill that gives the FTC greater authority to police agreements between biologic license holders and biosimilar applicants – so-called “pay-for-delay” settlements.  The FTC has been focused on these settlements in the pharmaceutical space for years, but until now …

    • ShamWow: FDA Addresses Alleged Citizen Petition AbuseOctober 8th, 2018

      For years, FDA has been looking to reform the Citizen Petition process to address allegations of “gaming” the system to delay competitor approval. This led to the creation of the “505(q)” petition by Congress in 2007 as part of FDAAA, the subsequent revision of the …

    • It’s a Trap – Or Is It? PMRS’ Abuse-Deterrent Opioid NDASeptember 17th, 2018

      After submitting five Citizen Petitions to FDA since 2016 (see Docket Nos. FDA-2018-P-2851; FDA-2017-P-4352; FDA-2017-P-3064; FDA-2017-P-1359; FDA-2016-P-0645) alleging that evidence does not support approval of opioids, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Research Services (“PMRS”) is trying a new tactic to challenge FDA’s regulatory scheme for abuse-deterrent opioids: court.  PMRS …

    • Is Fairness in the Eye of the Beholder? Pfizer Citizen Petition Looking for Fair and Level Playing Field Between Biologics and BiosimilarsAugust 29th, 2018

      An interesting Citizen Petition popped up earlier this week in which pharma giant Pfizer has requested FDA guidance on sponsor communications about biosimilar products.  This is not a new campaign for Pfizer, who has emphasized the need to address anticompetitive exclusionary practices, “misinformation,” and market …

    • It Feels Like the First Time: FDA’s First Competitive Generic Therapy ApprovalAugust 9th, 2018

      Well, we haven’t quite waited the lifetime that Foreigner did, but it’s exciting nonetheless. Only about one year after signing the provisions into law, FDA announced the approval of the first generic drug with a Competitive Generic Therapy (“CGT”) designation: ANDA 211067 for potassium chloride …

    • District Court Takes Another Logical Step to Expand the Safe HarborJuly 31st, 2018

      With one paragraph in a Summary Judgment Order issued last week, the Northern District of California further expanded the patent safe harbor under 37 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1). Though not a huge leap from previous safe harbor decisions, the Order in Nevro Corp. v. Boston Scientific Corp. …

    • FDA’s Exploration of Innovation vs. Access Continues with Public Hearing on the Biosimilar MarketplaceJuly 26th, 2018

      Just like last year when it held a public hearing and rolled out the Generic Drug Action Plan, FDA is following its recent announcement of the Biosimilar Action Plan with a Public Hearing on competition in the biologics market entitled Facilitating Competition and Innovation in …

    • Biosimilar Action Plan Introduced to Kick-Start the Biosimilar MarketJuly 20th, 2018

      Though the pace of biosimilar approval has quickened substantially over the last year (with 6 approvals since this time last year alone), the biosimilar market remains sparse and slow. Unsurprisingly, FDA has noticed.  This week, FDA unveiled a Biosimilars Action Plan (BAP) aimed at speeding …

    • Like Ma Bell, I’ve Got the Ill Communications: Final Guidances IssuedJune 20th, 2018

      Announced as another effort to improve patient access and address drug pricing, FDA recently finalized two guidance documents intended to facilitate better communication and negotiation with payors, formulary committees, and others: Medical Product Communications That Are Consistent With the FDA-Required Labeling – Questions and Answers: Guidance …

    • Stop, Collaborate, and Listen – Or Get a WaiverJune 15th, 2018

      In an attempt to ensure that implementation of the FDCA requirement for shared REMS does not cause undue burden, FDA released two new guidance documents targeting shared REMS systems. We have seen the negotiation of shared REMS systems succeed – and fail spectacularly resulting in waivers. …

    • FDA’s Version of the Scarlet Letter?May 23rd, 2018

      FDA announced last week its newest initiative to address alleged “gaming” tactics that FDA believes are used to circumvent the delicate balance of innovation and competition set forth by Congress in the Hatch-Waxman Act.  As part of FDA’s Drug Competition Action Plan, FDA has published …

    • Biosimilar Approval: Better, Stronger, FasterMay 21st, 2018

      We have the technology. It will definitely cost more than six million dollars, and there are questions about whether it will be better than it was before.  But Dr. Sarfaraz Niazi thinks he can rebuild the biosimilar approval process to make it more efficient. In an …

    • PEG 3350 Rx ANDA Holder Gets Things Moving in the D.C. CircuitMay 7th, 2018

      On April 27, 2018, Petitioners Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc. and Nexgen Pharma, Inc. filed a Petition for Review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The Petition seeks review of a final FDA order published in the Federal Register on …

    • How Safe is the Safe Harbor?April 18th, 2018

      As the breadth of the “patent safe harbor” continues to expand under the Federal Circuit’s growing body of relevant case law, some patent holders are looking to the Supreme Court to push back. In a Petition for Certiorari filed last week in Classen Immunotherapies v. Elan …

    • Well, This is “Apeeling!” FDA Updates Orange Book With Patent Submission DatesNovember 28th, 2017

      Last week FDA formally announced yet another transparency initiative – this time, it’s the inclusion of patent submission dates in the Orange Book!  (FDA informally announced the change a couple of weeks ago with a note in the Orange Book stating: “Effective November 21, 2017, …