• where experts go to learn about FDA
  • Jeffrey N. Gibbs

    • FDA’s Summer Plans May Include LDT RulemakingJune 20th, 2023

      The long-running saga of FDA regulation of laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) has taken yet another new turn.  In the most recent Unified Agenda, which is a list of planned regulatory actions published semi-annually by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), FDA announced its intent to …

    • Doctoring the Law: Congress May Let FDA Regulate the Practice of MedicineDecember 22nd, 2022

      Back in June, when Congress was negotiating the User Fee Acts, FDA asked Congress to add in some provisions reversing several lawsuits that it had just lost.  Ultimately, FDA lost that fight, and a slimmed down version of the FDA Safety and Landmark Advancements (“FDASLA”) …

    • Remote Patient Testing Faces a Cloudy Future under VALIDDecember 14th, 2022

      It is widely expected that the fate of the VALID Act – and therefore the world of diagnostic regulation – will be determined in the next two weeks (see our previous post here).  While the potential mitigating impact of the “grandfathering” clause on laboratories currently …

    • FDA Safety Communications: A Potential Provider PitfallSeptember 28th, 2022

      The New Jersey Supreme Court, in its August 25, 2022 opinion in Mirian Rivera v. Valley Hospital, Inc., 2022 N.J. LEXIS 679 (NJ Aug. 25, 2022), https://www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/assets/opinions/supreme/a_25_26_27_21.pdf?c=lmL, considered whether a provider’s use of a medical device that is the subject of an FDA safety communication …

    • It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to: A Bittersweet Happy 30th Birthday to LDTsAugust 3rd, 2022

      Happy Birthday Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs). Thirty years ago today, FDA announced that it had the authority to regulate you.  Not yet understanding how important you’d become, you entered the regulatory world without a name – the Agency simply referred to you as “home brew” products.  …

    • ‘Til I Hear It From Congress: FDASLA to Direct Publication of Final OTC Hearing Aid RulesJune 22nd, 2022

      There is a lot to unpack in the 430 pages of FDASLA, which means that some provisions are falling a little under the radar.  One of those provisions is an unusual one in which Congress directs FDA to issue final rules concerning Over-the-Counter hearing aids.  …

    • Pre-Submission Program Update from CDRH: A Bit of Welcome NewsJune 8th, 2022

      CDRH appears to be taking another step towards returning to pre-pandemic life.  On May 31, Drs. Shuren and Maisel announced that OHT7 (formerly OIR) will now be accepting all types of pre-submissions (see announcement here).  As you’ll recall from our earlier post (here), OHT7 had …

    • FDA Can’t Always Get What It Wants…So It Asks CongressJune 7th, 2022

      As the User Fee Acts move through Congress, it has been clear that FDA is using them as a vehicle to legislatively overturn some big court losses over the last few years.  As faithful readers of our blog know, FDA’s broad interpretations of its governing …

    • FDA Issues Safety Warning Regarding Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing Raising Questions About the Future of FDA Regulation of LDTsMay 25th, 2022

      On April 19, FDA issued a safety communication regarding genetic non-invasive prenatal screening, commonly referred to as non-invasive prenatal tests or NIPT (here).  NIPT are intended to screen for genetic abnormalities in a fetus.  The tests are not intended to diagnose any genetic conditions – …

    • All Too Few (Two Year Version) or Where Have All the COVID Tests Gone?* A Review of FDA’s PoliciesJanuary 4th, 2022

      As we approach our third year of COVID, one of the major questions from March 2020 eerily echoes today: where are all the COVID tests?  The situation now, of course, is very different and much more favorable than two years ago.  Unlike March 2020, numerous …

    • HHS Revokes Trump-Administration LDT PolicyNovember 29th, 2021

      On November 15, HHS announced that it was withdrawing the prior administration’s policy that prevented FDA from requiring premarket review of laboratory developed tests (LDTs) without notice and comment rule making.  See the prior post on this policy here.  This statement comes at least six …

    • A VALID Argument: Proposed Legislation Would Reshape Regulation of DiagnosticsJuly 9th, 2021

      For many years, one of the most controversial topics in device regulation has been the dual-track oversight of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) and laboratory developed tests (LDTs).  Distributed IVD products are regulated by FDA, while laboratories that perform LDTs are regulated by the Centers for …

    • FDA Medical Device Ban Overturned For the First TimeJuly 7th, 2021

      In the first challenge ever brought against FDA’s rarely used power to ban a medical device, a court found FDA overstepped its authority and overturned the ban.  In March 2020, FDA issued a final rule that banned the use of Graduated Electronic Decelerators (GEDs) to …

    • The Supremes Give the FTC “Nothing but Heartaches”: Court Unanimously Rules No Restitution in Injunction Cases, and How Will This Ruling Impact FDA?April 23rd, 2021

      The Supreme Court has handed down a decision in AMG Capital Management, LLC, et al. v. Federal Trade Commission, No. 19-508 (Apr. 22, 2021) [hereinafter Slip Op.], gutting the FTC’s use of §13(b) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 53(b), to obtain equitable monetary …

    • FDA, Testing, and COVID-19: A “Mid-Mortem”August 25th, 2020

      From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to accurate and reliable testing to identify patients exposed to SARS-CoV-2 or infected with COVID-19 was identified as a critical element of an effective public health response.  Testing is needed to diagnose individuals with active symptoms, enable …