• where experts go to learn about FDA
  • Year: 2009

    • FDA Says Cheerios Cereal is a DrugMay 13th, 2009

      By Wes Siegner & Ricardo Carvajal –       FDA has issued a warning letter to General Mills in which the agency alleges “serious violations” of the FDC Act in the label and labeling of Cheerios cereal.  Specifically, FDA contends that the following label claims make Cheerios …

    • FDA Toughens Up on New Dietary Ingredients?May 12th, 2009

      By Ricardo Carvajal –       On May 11, FDA announced the condemnation and forfeiture of $1.3 million worth of dietary supplements marketed to body builders because the supplements contain “one or more unapproved food additives and/or new dietary ingredients for which there is inadequate information to …

    • NJ District Court Affirms Enantiomer PTE Validity; Decision Quickly Appealed to the Federal CircuitMay 12th, 2009

      By Kurt R. Karst –       In a recent unpublished opinion issued by the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, the court ruled that the Patent Term Extension (“PTE”) granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) with respect to U.S. Patent No. …

    • New Wave?: Advance in Biotechnology Could Help Usher in Second and Third Wave Bioengineered CropsMay 11th, 2009

      By Ricardo Carvajal –       In two studies  recently published in Nature (see here and here) scientists report success applying a novel technique to more precisely insert genes conferring herbicide resistance into corn and tobacco.  In addition to enabling greater precision, the technique results in stable …

    • Not the Garden State for Clinical Trials: NJ Takes on Device Manufacturer in Failure to Disclose Investigators’ Financial Stake in CompanyMay 10th, 2009

      By Christine P. Bump – The State of New Jersey announced this week that it had entered into a landmark agreement with Synthes, Inc. to settle allegations that Synthes failed to disclose financial conflicts of interest among doctors who conducted clinical testing on its products.  Synthes …

    • FDA Petition Response Reaffirms FDA Orange Book Dosage Form Nomenclature PolicyMay 6th, 2009

      By Kurt R. Karst –       FDA’s recent decision to grant in part and deny in part a citizen petition concerning generic versions of DORYX (doxycycline hyclate) Delayed-Release Tablets reaffirms FDA’s policy that in order for two drug product to be in the same “dosage form,” …

    • President Obama to Nominate New CPSC Chair and Commissioner; Will Also Increase CPSC FundingMay 6th, 2009

      By John R. Fleder – On May 5, 2009, the White House announced that President Obama intends to nominate former South Carolina State Superintendent of Education Inez Moore Tenenbaum as Chair of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”) and also University of North Carolina …

    • FDA Gets an Earful on Economically Motivated AdulterationMay 5th, 2009

      By Ricardo Carvajal –       At its public meeting on economically motivated adulteration ("EMA"), FDA got no shortage of suggestions on how to better prevent, detect, and address instances of EMA.  FDA called the meeting “to stimulate and focus discussion about ways in which the food …

    • FDA Injects A Wrinkle into Botox MarketingMay 4th, 2009

      By Carrie S. Martin –       FDA announced on April 30, 2009, that all botulinum toxin products will now require a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy ("REMS") and safety labeling changes, including a boxed warning, due to the risk of spread of botulinum toxin effects from …

    • New Labeling Required for OTC Pain Relievers and Fever Reducers… And More to Come?May 1st, 2009

      By Carrie S. Martin – On April 29, 2009, FDA issued a final rule requiring new labeling for over-the-counter (“OTC”) pain relievers and fever reducers, also known as internal analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-rheumatic drug products (“IAAAs”).  The rule revises 21 C.F.R. Part 201 to require manufacturers …

    • Change in FDA Preemption Position? New Rule Largely Eliminates Preemption DiscussionApril 29th, 2009

      By Kurt R. Karst –       “Is the Obama Administration Poised to Undo FDA’s Preemption Stance?” We posed this question in a post earlier this year after a pre-publication version of a 96-page final rule concerning new organ-specific warnings and related labeling for Over-The-Counter (“OTC”) Internal …

    • FDA Splits the Baby on BSE Final Rule ImplementationApril 29th, 2009

      By Ricardo Carvajal –       FDA has announced that it expects compliance with its final rule prohibiting the use of certain cattle origin materials (e.g., brains and spinal cords from cattle 30 months of age and older) in the food or feed of all animals on …

    • FDA Authorizes Emergency Use of Influenza Medicines, Diagnostic Test in Response to Swine Flu Outbreak in HumansApril 28th, 2009

      By Susan J. Matthees – At the request of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC"), FDA announced last night that it would issue Emergency Use Authorization ("EUA") of flu medicines and diagnostic tests in response to the recent swine flu outbreak.  Two antiflu …

    • Supreme Court Limits Court Review of Government’s Change of PolicyApril 28th, 2009

      By John R. Fleder – On April 28, 2009, the United States Supreme Court issued an important ruling on an administrative law issue.  In FCC v. Fox Television Stations, the Court by a 5-4 vote ruled that the FCC had properly explained its decision that …

    • IRB Caught in GAO Sting is Closing its DoorsApril 28th, 2009

      By William T. Koustas –       Earlier this month, FDA announced that Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) Coast IRB, LLC of Colorado Springs, Colorado (“Coast”) voluntarily agreed to stop reviewing new FDA-regulated studies and halt enrollment of new subjects in ongoing trials after FDA determined it committed …