Interested in Learning the Latest about the Government’s Plans to Develop Countermeasures to Respond to CBRN Attacks and Pandemics?
July 26, 2007If so, the Department of Health and Human Services (“DHHS”) is convening a four day stakeholders workshop in Washington, D.C. beginning on July 31, 2007. The purpose of the workshop is to enable stakeholders from government, industry, and academia to discuss the government’s plans to implement the legal authorities granted to DHHS and other federal agencies by the Project BioShield Act of 2004 and the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 to develop medical responses to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (“CBRN”) attacks and to the possible outbreak of influenza or other pandemics. Information regarding the stakeholders workshop, portions of which will be webcast, can be found here and here.
An article written by Hyman, Phelps & McNamara attorney Paul Ferrari that appears in the July/August 2007 edition of the Food and Drug Law Institute’s (“FDLI’s”) Update magazine provides an analysis of the government’s current efforts to develop and procure CBRN countermeasures and updates a similar article that appeared in an earlier edition of the FDLI publication.